Current Living: Your Life in the NOW!

Current Living: Life in the Now!

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Are You Losing Weight?

By Michele Batz

Today's question is one that comes around every ten years or so, or before a wedding or another big lifetime event. The question is, are you losing weight for your class reunion? Are you losing weight before your wedding or someone's else's? I know you are getting my drift.

Here is my question for you today. After you lose the weight for these big events, how are you feeling while there? Do you have more self confidence? Do you like the comments that you are receiving? Does it make you feel good that you actually look and feel good at the same time?

Have you noticed that when you get out of the car, you don't not have to come out in shifts? Then once you are out, you don't have to straighten out your clothes as you walk making sure that you shirt and shorts are pulled into position. Isn't it nice just to bounce out of the car and start walking and the clothes fall naturally back into place.

When you are feeling fit and go to a swimming pool or beach, you don't care what you wear because you know you are looking good. You sit down with your family on the beach towel and enjoy the day. You notice the water, your kids splashing in it, you notice how your spouse is smiling at you and of course, you do not have that feeling of "why am I here?" You do not have that self doubt about your appearance. Your self esteem is at an all time high.

Once you lose weight for that big lifetime event and the event is over, a week or two passes and you are downtown. Someone that you have not seen in years comes up to you and says, "Are you so and so that graduated in 1977?" "Well, you look great!" "What have you been doing, could you share your secret with me?"

What is the point that I am trying to make today? It is this, you can still look and feel great after the big lifetime event for as long as you live.

Do everything in moderation. Eat slower, eat less and move more. Get out and get active with your family. No, you do not have to go out and train like an athlete. This is a misconception! Get out three days a week for 30 minutes. Just take a walk with your family or by yourself. Notice the day around you, breathe in and breathe out. You will notice your stress level will get lower, you will notice how much bluer the sky is, take it in, slow down. Just start moving.

Oh, you are saying "But I am tired after work." If you start today and keep a slow steady progress on this fitness thing, you will not be tired after work. You will be in shape and have extra energy to do the things that you want to do after work. What is that called? Living your life, and nothing can be as good as that...get out there this summer, get moving. •

© 2004 Michele Batz

About the Author
Michele Batz has an extensive 25 year career in sports education. She writes her own column for a Chicagoland newspaper and for and Her book — What's Holding You Back? A Woman's Beginning Guide to Fitness is available through

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